Universal WorkStation

System Description and Functions

The Universal WorkStation (UWS) is a system that provides a standard human machine interface. which allows operators to interact with network elements and management systems in a uniform manner.

UWS can access different remote systems simultaneously, in a multisession and multiwindow mode.

In the present network environment UWS plays a major role where a multitude of different Operation Support Systems are used and the operating staff, working in the maintenance or supervision centers, obtains information from all systems.

The Universal WorkStation system consists of :

  • MS-DOS personal computers with MS-WINDOWS graphical interface
  • one minicomputer with UNIX system V rel. 4 operating system
  • one Local Area Network IEEE 802.3
  • software communication packages.

The SNA/X.25 interface allows the UNIX server to connect to an IBM host (S 370 or S 390) through a leased line or a virtual circuit on a X.25 data network.

The EM 9750 module provides for the emulation of SIEMENS 9750 terminals through a X.25 data network.

The TCP/IP Router module provides access to TCP/IP network nodes (DoD IP, TELNET, FTP).

The OSI/MF module performs the ISO/OSI FTAM and MHS services.


UWS is flexible and provides terminal emulation, eliminating the numerous terminals operated by field and operating staff in maintenance and supervision centers. The number of terminals can be based on personnel requirements and loading rather then on the number of OSSs.

Therefore, this eliminates the need to know complex Network Elements and their functionality in the network.

UWS isolates the operator from the element and eliminates the need for the operator to know to which OSS or Network Element is connected.

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