National Supervision Center

System Description

CSN is the centralized monitoring, management and control center for the National Long Distance Network. It enables the service provider to integrate and automate supervision of the network and detect abnormal network conditions.

At present, the CSN currently monitors and supervises the Italian trunk network.

By centrally managing the network resources it is able to control a wide area of digital network elements.

CSN is based on an Open System Architecture which interconnects the CSN facilities with peripheral subsystems currently in operation. Future evolutions of the CSN will easily support further requirements.


The CSN architecture consists of two different layers which correspond to the two functional blocks of the system:

  1. . Data Collection network
  2. . Network Management Centre

The Data Collection layer is based on:
  • The "mediation devices" developed for interacting between the Network Management Centre and the network elements
  • The communication network based on X.25 PSDN services and on dedicated leased lines.

The Network Management Centre layer is responsible for the supervision and management of the network.

The hardware architecture has four main subsystems:

  • The Dual DEC/VAX central processor, incorporating specific Network Management Applications which are the core of the entire system.
  • The communication servers handling asynchronous and synchronous links.
  • Graphic workstations, X-terminals and laser printers which are the input/output devices supporting the operators in their activities.
  • The Image Wall system, is the component which displays the global network and can zoom in on any specific areas on demand.

The CSN software is based on the CCITT standard SDL design language and operates in the DEC VAX/VMS environment.

It is divided into seven subsystems:

  • Data Collection (Which includes all the communications management activities with the mediation devices and any other systems)
  • Network Supervision
  • User Interface
  • Traffic Management
  • Data Base Interface
  • Statistical Analysis
  • System Administration.


Network Congestion Control

Control of network congestion events due to:

  • Overload (peak day/time, particular events, etc.)
  • Network node fault
  • Trunk fault

Network Planning

CSN offers the network engineers a strategic tool for network planning and design.

E-mail: company@tlsoft.ru
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