The System of Traffic Data Collection and Analysis


TeleTraffic system is designed for automation of telecom operator activity in the areas of traffic analysis and network planning for the purposes of the traffic loss minimizing and the quality of services improving. System provides:

  • Traffic losses minimizing by traffic rerouting in the cases of the network resources overload;
  • Decision making support in the areas of traffic optimization, network and service development, business planning.


TeleTraffic system may be used by telecom operators for fixed PSTN and mobile wireless telephone networks. It could be used independently or in integration with TeleBIS service management system.


  • Preparations to measurements

    • Measurements planning,

    • Quality of Service (QoS) thresholds definition,

    • Access to the observable objects (switches), particularly by means of specifically designed interfaces to Lucent 5ESS, Siemens EWSD, Samsung CDMA switches.

  • Collection, preliminary processing, analysis, storing and representation of the following data:

    • QoS data,

    • Network elements configuration and Network state data,

    • Data of the events caused by threshold crossing by measurable parameters, warning and fault events, occurred on the NE(s) or in the whole network.

  • Main QoS parameters computation for both individual NE(s) and whole network:

    • Selection of analyzed objects - exchange, circuit group, circuit subgroup, circuit - taking into account the traffic destination,

    • Calendar maintenance for the purpose of calculating of QoS taking into account different types of a day,

    • Calculation of busy hour by means of different methods according to ITU-T Recommendation E.500,

    • Preparation of recommendations for adjusting the quantity of circuits in the (sub)group,

    • Preparation of Reports of QoS, Traffic, etc..

  • Preparation of recommendations to improve quality of services.

  • Decision making support to planning and development of the network and services.

  • Detection of traffic trends on the basis of the long-term data set analysis.

  • Traffic forecast.

  • Interaction with TeleBIS service and accounting management system in the area of QoS analysis and control, and service development planning.


Up-to-date graphical user interface (GUI) has been implemented in the system. GUI with the integrated geographical information system GeoConstructor, produced by GIS Research Center IG RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow), provide:

  • Display of the network topology on the digital geographical maps,
  • Intuitive, user friendly access to the system data,
  • Fast retrieval of the selected NE(s) data from the system data base,
  • Presentation of the retrieved data in tabular and/or graphical form,
  • Embedded interactive help subsystem.


The system has a three-level architecture Client Application server Data Base Server, which makes it scalable and flexible, allows distributed data processing, available for requested configuration performance level on most known soft- and hardware platforms (Fig.1).


Base software:

  • Database server S

HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Windows NT;

  • Application server S

HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Windows NT;

  • Workstation S

Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT;

  • DBMS

ORACLE 8, 8i.


  • Minimum configuration

Windows NT server without workstations;

  • Recommended configuration

RISC server or NT cluster, workstations on PC base.

Evolution of the System of Traffic Data Collection and Analysis

The TeleTraffic is extended to cover the network management function set. Implemented solutions are based on the international standards, on the experience of the leading telecommunication service providers, equipment and management systems manufacturers. First of all, ITU-T Recommendations series M, E, X, Q, TeleManagementForum specifications GB910, NMF 701 are used.

The following set of functions will be implemented in the next versions of the system:

  • Real time traffic management,
  • Network simulation,
  • Fault management,
  • Network configuration management.

Fig. 1. TeleTraffic system architecture.

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