Study Group 4 “TMN and network maintenance” of Telecommunication sector of International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T, former CCITT) met in Geneva from 24 January to 4 February 2000. The meeting was chaired by Mr. David Sidor, Nortel Networks, USA.

There are discussed the state of all study questions, approved 45 Drafts new and revised Recommendations (the Recommendations concerned TMN matters are given below in the Table), considered and approved study questions for new study period 2001-2004. Some additional information you can found at the ITU site:

Above 100 delegates from 23 countries took part in the meetings of Study Group 4 and its Working Parties.

Delegation of Russian Ministery of telecommunication and informatization took part in the meetings. JSC «Telesoft-Russia» was represented by Mr Anatoli Rojdestvenski who is a vice-cairman of Study Group 4.

First time JSC “Rostelecom” was represented as autonomous delegation.

New and revised ITU-T Recommendations on TMN adopted by Study Group 4

(February 2000)

Number and Name of Draft Recommendation / Location

Draft revised Recommendation M.1400: Designation of inter-operator networks - COM4-147

Draft revised Recommendation M.3000: Overview of TMN Recommendations –


Draft revised Recommendation M.3010: Principles for a Telecommunications Management Network - COM4-151

Draft new Recommendation M.3013: Considerations for a Telecommunications Management Network - COM4-141

Draft revised Recommendation M.3020: TMN Interface Specification Methodology - COM4-142

Draft new Recommendation M.3100 Am.2: Enhancement of M.3100 - COM4-131

Draft new Recommendation M.3108.2: Service Level Model for Connection Management - COM4-140

Draft new Recommendation M.3208.1 Corr.1: TMN Management Services for dedicated and reconfigurable circuits network: Leased circuit services. (Corr. 1) –COM4-132

Draft new Recommendation 3208.3: TMN Management Services for dedicated and reconfigurable circuits network: virtual private network - COM4-139

Draft revised Recommendation M.3400: TMN Management Functions –


Draft new Recommendation Q.812 Am.3: Protocol profile for electronic communications interactive agent - COM4-121

Draft new Recommendation Q.814: Specification of an electronic data interchange interactive agent - COM4-122

Draft new Recommendation Q.815: Specification of a security model for whole message protection - COM4-123

Draft revised Recommendation Q.821: Stage 2 and Stage 3 description for the Q3 interface – Alarm Surveillance - COM4-150

Draft new Recommendation Q.824.5 Corr.1: Stage 2 and Stage 3 description for the Q3 interface – customer administration: configuration management of V5 interface environments and associated customer profiles (Corrigendum 1) - COM4-125

Draft new Recommendation Q.824.7: Enhanced Broadband Switch - COM4-148

Draft new Recommendation Q.826: Stage 2 and Stage 3 Functional Specification of Call Routing Information Management on Operation System/Network Element –


Draft new Recommendation Q.831.1: Access Management for V5 - COM4-149

Draft new Recommendation Q.1831.1: SSF Management Information Model –


Draft new Recommendation X.711.Corr.2: CMIP revision to include ASN.1:1997 - COM4-R44

Draft new Recommendation X.721 Corr.4: DMI revision to include ASN.1:1997 –


Draft new Recommendation X.722 Corr.2: Revision of GDMO to include ASN.1: 1997 - COM4-R44

Draft new Recommendation X.723.Corr.2: Revision of GMI to include ASN.1: 1997 - COM4-R44

Draft new Recommendation X.737 Corr.2: Confidence and Diagnostic Test categories – revision to include ASN.1: 1997 (Corrigendum 2) - COM4-R44

Draft new Recommendation X.738 Corr.2: Summarization Function - revision to include ASN.1: 1997 (Corrigendum 2) - COM4-R44

Draft new Recommendation X.741.Corr.3: Objects and Attributes for access control - revision to include ASN.1: 1997 (Corrigendum 3) - COM4-R44

Draft new Recommendation X.742 Corr2: Usage of Metering Function for Accounting purposes - revision to include ASN.1: 1997 (Corrigendum 2) - COM4-R44

Draft new Recommendation X.744 Corr2: Software Management Function - revision to include ASN.1: 1997 (Corrigendum 2) - COM4-R44

Draft new Recommendation X.745 Corr3: Test Management Function - revision to include ASN.1: 1997 (Corrigendum 3) - COM4-R44

Draft revised Recommendation X.746: Scheduling Function - COM4-R44

Draft new Recommendation X.746 Corr2: - Scheduling Function - revision to include ASN.1: 1997 (Corrigendum 2) - COM4-R44

Draft new Recommendation X.750 Corr1: Management Knowledge Management (MKM) Function - revision to include ASN.1: 1997 (Corrigendum 2) - COM4-R44

Draft new Recommendation X.751 Corr2: Change-over Function - revision to include ASN.1: 1997 (Corrigendum 2) - COM4-R44

Draft new Recommendation X.754 Corr2: Enhanced Event Control Function - COM4-155

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